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We’ve all been there—letting problems go unresolved for too long, draining our satisfaction and making us unhappy with our lives, feeling like victims. The good news is you can change all that and you are not alone on this journey.

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    Featured Stories from the Community

      Copy of Nobody Cares until you do

      Nobody Cares… until you do takes you on a journey of realizing the importance of Accountability. If you do read it, know that it’s not easy to digest some of the concepts, and it’s definitely a wake up call for both personal and professional worlds.

      But if you believe that you want to stop living as a victim and start living as a victor, this book is a must read for you.

      Swanand Khanzode

      Our company has embraced the concept of this book wholeheartedly and I highly recommend it to anyone that has let past blame, excuses or circumstances hold them back in life!   It truly shows you how to move forward in life with determination and vigor. #bookofthemonth

      Jay Davern

      I have personally experienced this feeling of being a victim in my own life. There have been times when I have let problems fester and grow without taking any action to address them. I would wallow in self-pity, blaming external circumstances for my unhappiness and feeling like I had no control over my own life.

      However, after reading the book “Nobody Cares (Until You Do) I have come to realize that this victim mentality only serves to perpetuate my feelings of dissatisfaction and unhappiness. It is only when I take responsibility for my own actions and make a conscious effort to address my problems that I am able to move towards a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

      Brock Doty
      Quote from Michele Haugh

      “I read the entire book this weekend and then ordered two copies that I am having sent to some dear friends. It was a great read and I loved that it was very conversational. Even though it was a “heavy” topic, it never felt too heavy or too weighty, and it was easy to read.”

      Michele Haugh
      Matthew McReynolds book review image

      “Shout out to Robert J Hunt (Dude/Dad) and Salem Thyne for bringing the heat with this one! This is a must read. Period. When it comes down to owning your situation and taking charge of your life, these gentleman have presented an opportunity to do just that. This book was convicting, encouraging, and filled with helpful tools to take accountability to the next level. 

      In the last week, I’ve been able to apply the lessons I’ve learned from this book to parenting my kids, managing my employees, conversations with my wife, and dealing with my own baggage. 
      I’ve got a lot to say on the topic of accountability and I’ll continue to break down this book. For now, I highly recommend you order your own copy of Nobody Cares … until you do “

      Matthew McReynolds
      review image

      “I would like to share that we are reading this awesome book, ‘Nobody Cares’ as a team and it’s providing a different perspective as far as accountability and how working on just one area in my professional and personal life can cause a ripple effect in other areas of my life. Please check this book out! www.NobodyCaresBook.com”.

      Thomas Ochoa

      Grateful for my close friends as well as my friends in my #refdallas peer group today. Another great section from @nobodycaresbook this morning. When you set a plan…you’ll try to convince yourself it’s ok to quit. Surround yourself with people who care…but remember it’s still up to you to succeed. It’s not their job to fix your problems. It’s their job to hold you accountable.

      Jeff Stone
      Thomas O - book review image

      OK, I just finished the book and what an amazing book it is. It breaks you down by teaching you how to be honest (sometimes brutally) with yourself. Then it builds you back up by teaching you NEW tools for living that will get you to new heights that you have never even thought of achieving or even shooting for! My favorite part is that it challenges you with activities to immediately start working on the new you while you are reading each chapter!

      I highly suggest this book!

      Thomas O
      Lisa Coleman

      I raised my son by always telling him we have to own our crap. In just the first two chapters, I’ve recognized some areas where I have been dodging accountability myself. Read this book- it will change your life.

      Lisa Coleman

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