Frequently Asked Questions

Questions From Our Readers

Tell them how much the book meant to you, what you learned from reading it and how you are applying this to your own journey. Avoid suggesting that they “need it” but rather that you loved it so much you are giving copies to other people in your life so they too can learn. Stay humble in your tone.
At the top of this page you will see a blue button to "Download the Satisfaction Assessment." Click that to download a full size version of this assessment. Once you have completed this, send us a copy of it with what you learned so we can encourage you on your journey.
This assessment will be used throughout the book and allows you to see what changes you want to make to live the life you really want. We strongly encourage you to do it now. Click here to begin.
You will use this as you read the book so keep it handy to refer back to it. You can also share it with a trusted friend to let them encourage you in your journey. Share it with your spouse or business partners and talk about areas you can work on together.

Take The Satisfaction Assessment

Nobody should climb a mountain without the proper equipment. The Satisfaction Assessment is where you can find the areas you need help you in your journey.

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